About Us
We are an engineering company applied to Information Technology able to serve Industrial Customers and Public Administrations with a diversified range of services.
For over 20 years, as our Customer First payoff states, we have placed the customer at the center of our daily work beyond solutions and technology.
We believe that the value provided by our solutions comes before the price.
We optimize business processes with Openwork®-based BPM solutions
We offer business analytics and business discovery solutions in Qlik®, SAP®, Microsoft® PowerBI®
We share our know-how with Clients.
We create loyalty exclusively through the ROI value generated from our services.
We implement SAP® S/4HANA, among the very first in Italy, in all relevant markets.
We develop customer experience solutions such as CRM, e-commerce, CIAM for access identity management and GDPR compliance, Digital Marketing with SAP and Microsoft Dynamics platforms
Our subsidiary Clarex is also an SAP® Gold Partner. Learn more about Clarex at www.clarex.it